Top 9 COPD treatment startups in USA

Updated: May 09, 2024

Funding: $41M
We create breath-based diagnostic and monitoring devices with the aim to improve the lives of those with respiratory conditions like asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension.
Funding: $33.2M
VIDA is a leader in quantitative lung analysis for COPD, emphysema and asthma, establishing objective, reproducible and quantitative
Funding: $23.3M
Pneuma Respiratory is focused on creating therapeutic treatments for diseases of the lungs using a digital first platform for inhaled drug delivery. Our focus is to improve the potential effectiveness of currently available and novel drugs, with the initial targets being approved therapeutics for asthma and COPD.
Funding: $22M
Telesair creates Respiratory Humidifier, designed for use in the ICU, and support the development of a new product that aims to help patients leave the hospital more quickly and stay at home safely.
Funding: $16.8M
Cohero developed a connected spirometer to assess lung function and medication adherence in asthma and COPD patients. It was designed to be a clinical grade medical device to function as a barometer for lung function. It also produced a patient-facing app that helps users track their data.
Funding: $15.7M
Sentrian developed a biosensor supported by cloud technology and machine to detect deteriorating health of patients earlier.
Funding: $5M
LifeMap Solutions develops a m-Health platform that integrates disparate sources of information to generate an accurate picture of an individual's health. One of the primary apps is COPD Navigator app.
Funding: $100K
Wellinks is a hardware enabled digital health company focused on reinventing respiratory care around the people who need it.

Abithas, Inc. is a startup medical device enterprise that seeks to reduce disparity in asthma and copd care and treatment